APMO – A Place of My Own

A Place of My Own

In an effort to prevent homelessness among youths, Housing Information Services created a new pilot project in 2012 designated A Place of My Own (APMO). This project, funded in part by the Government of Canada, assists youth aged 16 to 24 years with transitional and supportive housing in Windsor, Ontario.

Support Intervention


Homelessness is a major problem among youths, usually associated with alcohol and drug use, domestic violence, and decreased physical and mental health.

Studies indicate that support intervention does make a difference, leading to enhanced emotional and mental well-being, less stress, increased sense of equality and self-esteem, and a decrease in loneliness.

Our goal is to provide the necessary support and services to better prepare participants to live independently and empower them to  successfully retain housing in order to prevent the cyclical nature of homelessness.

Are you eligible?

  • 16 to 24 years old and homeless in Windsor, Ontario
  • able to secure income or have an income
  • a Canadian Citizen, landed immigrant or refugee claimant
  • willing to actively participate with staff in developing an individualized plan

How does the program work?

APMO System Navigators assist youths 16 to 24 in Windsor with transitional supportive housing, focusing on ‘housing first’ and provide referrals to other programs and services in the community as the need arises.  The System Navigators:

  • work with the collaborative and community agencies and co-ordinate services to meet the needs of the participant;
  • provide one-on-one support services and follow-ups every three (3) months for up to twelve (12) months;
  • focus on income, life skills, health and education (education programs, completing Grade 12, retraining, budgeting, nutrition, transportation etc.);
  • improve partner linkages for the continuum of supports.

