Housing Information Services is consumer driven and modifies services to meet the changing needs of our community.
Current HIS programs and FREE services available in Windsor and Essex County include:
One-on-one Coordinator Assistance
Provides counseling and assessment of client’s housing issues and provides support to connect them with other service agencies or landlords to obtain or retain housing.
Investment in Affordable Housing Program (IAH)
Assists eligible low income families by supplementing the difference between the market rent and the rent charged to the tenant. HIS negotiates with private and non-profit landlords and places tenants in affordable units.
Keep The Heat (KTH) Energy Assistance Program
Partnered with the Unemployed Help Centre, KTH offers financial assistance to low income individuals and families with energy arrears to prevent turn-off or re-connect the utilities.
Landlord Listings
Provide listings of available private rental units for tenants in Windsor and Essex County that include rental costs, unit amenities, as well as negotiated terms such as first and last month’s rent to assist both landlords and tenants.
Preventing Homelessness and encouraging Self-Empowerment (PHASE)
A program that provides transitional housing for a maximum of one (1) year to homeless families. HIS counsels and supports the tenants to secure permanent housing and maintains contact for up to 12 months.
Central Housing Registry (CHR) Satellite Office
Provide consumers with CHR geared to income housing applications for Windsor and Essex County, and assist in their search for affordable housing while on the CHR wait list.
On-tap water filters and replacement cartridges
Partnered with the City of Windsor through the Ontario Ministry of Environment, provide on-tap water filters to remove lead from drinking water for eligible low income families.