Housing Information Services – How We Can Help

How We Can Help

Housing Information Services in Windsor, Ontario, provides one point of entry to housing for households to help them work through their personal barriers and attain permanent accommodations in all types of rental housing units (private market), social housing units (co-operative and non-profit) and accessible accommodations.

HIS maintains membership on Community Committees and works with all levels of government in order to stay informed on new incentive programs or opportunities. This involvement enhances our commitment to meet the growing need of Windsor and Essex County and maintain a safe, caring and healthy community.

One of our greatest contributions during our many years of service has been our ability to make a difference by pro-actively serving our clients, while creating a cost effective resource for our community. 


his_aboutMaking a Difference

HIS programs promote our basic philosophy of people reaching their full potential, creating a cost effective resource for the community and sustaining their commitment to maintain a safe, caring and healthy community.

Our one-on-one Coordinator Assistance provides clients with counselling and connects them with other service agencies or landlords to obtain or retain housing.  

Without our intervention, clients are subjected to increased levels of risk of becoming homeless, increased levels of dependency on other social services agencies, increased risk of continuing in this cycle and increased costs to the community. 

Our many programs are available to all individuals and families and cover a wide range of services to assist with obtaining or retaining affordable, appropriate housing in Windsor-Essex.  Appointments are recommended, however walk-ins are welcome.  All services offered are FREE of charge.